all postcodes in SY10 / ELLESMERE

find any address or company within the SY10 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY10 7AA 1 0 52.869922 -3.050723
SY10 7AB 2 0 52.883214 -3.049676
SY10 7AD 1 0 52.886876 -3.044609
SY10 7AE 4 0 52.881742 -3.043757
SY10 7AF 11 0 52.883037 -3.035466
SY10 7AG 1 1 52.884212 -3.032685
SY10 7AH 7 0 52.884811 -3.03001
SY10 7AJ 1 0 52.887637 -3.023388
SY10 7AL 2 1 52.894311 -3.025625
SY10 7AN 9 0 52.900046 -3.035381
SY10 7AP 4 0 52.902439 -3.032152
SY10 7AQ 24 0 52.883518 -3.031807
SY10 7AR 3 0 52.905085 -3.033806
SY10 7AS 14 0 52.901196 -3.030383
SY10 7AT 5 0 52.902618 -3.030149
SY10 7AU 6 0 52.9113 -3.028274
SY10 7AW 15 0 52.900723 -3.030922
SY10 7AX 7 2 52.911591 -3.033128
SY10 7AY 9 0 52.919247 -3.036523
SY10 7AZ 3 0 52.918049 -3.029623