all postcodes in SY10 / ELLESMERE

find any address or company within the SY10 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY10 7BA 4 0 52.919866 -3.028462
SY10 7BD 2 1 52.918072 -3.020312
SY10 7BE 14 0 52.917727 -3.018997
SY10 7BG 32 0 52.917678 -3.020542
SY10 7BH 8 0 52.914079 -3.018762
SY10 7BJ 3 0 52.910588 -3.024405
SY10 7BL 6 1 52.904173 -3.020819
SY10 7BN 13 0 52.906452 -3.010404
SY10 7BP 5 0 52.900065 -3.00602
SY10 7BQ 29 1 52.915202 -3.018445
SY10 7BS 2 0 52.895769 -3.015031
SY10 7BT 5 0 52.901127 -3.033043
SY10 7BU 20 0 52.900301 -3.032949
SY10 7BW 2 0 52.906139 -2.999572
SY10 7BX 30 0 52.899847 -3.030441
SY10 7BY 4 0 52.871307 -3.062791
SY10 7BZ 1 1 52.872677 -3.061916
SY10 7DA 6 0 52.872858 -3.072278
SY10 7DD 12 0 52.879595 -3.060779
SY10 7DE 4 0 52.879776 -3.067664