all postcodes in SY10 / ELLESMERE

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY10 7UF 18 0 52.900877 -3.031833
SY10 7WD 1 0 52.84395 -3.040564
SY10 7WG 1 0 52.843964 -3.040562
SY10 7XA 20 0 52.9013 -3.029687
SY10 7JR 0 52.915502 -3.064646
SY10 7JS 0 52.915132 -3.065723
SY10 7RA 0 52.915495 -3.070431
SY10 7HQ 2 2 52.856119 -3.077242
SY10 7TY 0 52.917982 -3.05266
SY10 7GA 0 52.900166 -3.035087
SY10 7TZ 1 52.918667 -3.054073
SY10 7RD 1 0 52.917895 -3.067009
SY10 7DB 0 52.91465 -3.016811