all postcodes in SY10 / ELLESMERE

find any address or company within the SY10 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY10 7DF 2 0 52.888566 -3.061562
SY10 7DG 1 0 52.885276 -3.072882
SY10 7DH 11 2 52.898478 -3.090111
SY10 7DJ 5 0 52.898162 -3.091262
SY10 7DL 3 0 52.894044 -3.094251
SY10 7DN 3 0 52.899247 -3.090532
SY10 7DP 3 0 52.897984 -3.092923
SY10 7DQ 2 0 52.895508 -3.083197
SY10 7DR 13 0 52.897596 -3.093121
SY10 7DS 3 0 52.89894 -3.090732
SY10 7DT 5 0 52.896512 -3.09467
SY10 7DU 4 0 52.904045 -3.098562
SY10 7DW 3 0 52.898221 -3.092214
SY10 7DX 2 0 52.8963 -3.086085
SY10 7DY 7 0 52.889478 -3.083315
SY10 7DZ 2 0 52.889964 -3.074021
SY10 7EA 5 0 52.889786 -3.066201
SY10 7EB 2 0 52.887825 -3.052879
SY10 7ED 2 0 52.887651 -3.052176
SY10 7EE 10 1 52.8883 -3.049384