all postcodes in SY10 / ELLESMERE

find any address or company within the SY10 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY10 7PY 2 0 52.850328 -3.17735
SY10 7PZ 3 0 52.851653 -3.1755
SY10 7QA 10 0 52.846231 -3.175635
SY10 7QB 42 4 52.845134 -3.175635
SY10 7QD 13 0 52.843698 -3.175374
SY10 7QE 15 0 52.843208 -3.174024
SY10 7QF 4 0 52.830545 -3.176399
SY10 7QG 4 0 52.836234 -3.191012
SY10 7QH 5 0 52.848753 -3.19676
SY10 7QJ 6 0 52.846221 -3.214998
SY10 7QL 8 0 52.847759 -3.217551
SY10 7QN 8 0 52.85075 -3.222238
SY10 7QP 7 0 52.861861 -3.222253
SY10 7QQ 7 0 52.841988 -3.189165
SY10 7QR 4 0 52.842817 -3.212958
SY10 7QS 5 0 52.848185 -3.235501
SY10 7QT 2 0 52.835253 -3.245867
SY10 7QU 2 0 52.832633 -3.236782
SY10 7QW 8 0 52.854184 -3.238641
SY10 7QX 6 0 52.841428 -3.226149