all postcodes in SY10 / ELLESMERE

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY10 7QY 1 1 52.844677 -3.18278
SY10 7QZ 10 0 52.84352 -3.176141
SY10 7RB 5 0 52.91525 -3.066633
SY10 7RE 8 0 52.913419 -3.064298
SY10 7RF 8 0 52.913617 -3.065269
SY10 7RG 1 1 52.913813 -3.066538
SY10 7RH 4 0 52.913984 -3.067464
SY10 7RJ 16 0 52.915623 -3.06917
SY10 7RL 6 0 52.916346 -3.069723
SY10 7RN 7 0 52.917641 -3.067703
SY10 7RP 40 2 52.915415 -3.067291
SY10 7RQ 26 0 52.91453 -3.068727
SY10 7RS 24 3 52.914676 -3.065056
SY10 7RT 16 0 52.915112 -3.065008
SY10 7RU 3 0 52.914964 -3.064454
SY10 7RW 10 0 52.91786 -3.068363
SY10 7RX 2 0 52.914139 -3.065875
SY10 7RY 2 0 52.914451 -3.06511
SY10 7RZ 40 0 52.913788 -3.062848
SY10 7SA 12 0 52.914202 -3.064791