all postcodes in SY10 / ELLESMERE

find any address or company within the SY10 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY10 7SB 16 0 52.914285 -3.063574
SY10 7SD 8 0 52.915131 -3.063879
SY10 7SE 2 0 52.914815 -3.063631
SY10 7SF 3 0 52.915092 -3.062805
SY10 7SG 15 1 52.915426 -3.061639
SY10 7SH 35 0 52.91694 -3.060606
SY10 7SJ 34 0 52.917037 -3.059776
SY10 7SL 3 0 52.915867 -3.060564
SY10 7SN 30 0 52.916281 -3.058969
SY10 7SP 12 0 52.917257 -3.05798
SY10 7SQ 1 0 52.917996 -3.062194
SY10 7SR 5 1 52.917843 -3.05813
SY10 7SS 10 0 52.917313 -3.057135
SY10 7ST 6 0 52.919016 -3.055689
SY10 7SU 5 0 52.917823 -3.055407
SY10 7SW 4 0 52.916233 -3.056202
SY10 7SX 12 1 52.91667 -3.056658
SY10 7SY 4 1 52.917437 -3.053895
SY10 7SZ 5 0 52.917797 -3.053191
SY10 7TA 19 0 52.918491 -3.050544