all postcodes in UB10 / UXBRIDGE

find any address or company within the UB10 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB10 9BD 36 0 51.543344 -0.448378
UB10 9BE 26 0 51.541577 -0.44802
UB10 9BG 26 0 51.542464 -0.448494
UB10 9BH 24 0 51.549456 -0.444809
UB10 9BJ 50 0 51.548862 -0.442738
UB10 9BL 41 0 51.54784 -0.44361
UB10 9BN 50 0 51.548545 -0.445936
UB10 9BQ 35 0 51.549762 -0.446155
UB10 9BT 8 0 51.54841 -0.448003
UB10 9BU 18 0 51.548212 -0.446611
UB10 9BW 16 0 51.548732 -0.444459
UB10 9BX 26 0 51.547975 -0.445018
UB10 9BY 42 0 51.546917 -0.443886
UB10 9BZ 44 0 51.545487 -0.441708
UB10 9DA 42 9 51.544752 -0.43998
UB10 9DB 18 0 51.544168 -0.439308
UB10 9DD 23 0 51.543299 -0.43889
UB10 9DE 34 1 51.542392 -0.437531
UB10 9DF 44 0 51.547215 -0.445875
UB10 9DG 30 0 51.54637 -0.44464