all postcodes in UB10 / UXBRIDGE

find any address or company within the UB10 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB10 9DH 20 0 51.541269 -0.438412
UB10 9DJ 52 0 51.542609 -0.439058
UB10 9DL 42 0 51.544099 -0.440939
UB10 9DN 62 0 51.544857 -0.442471
UB10 9DP 34 0 51.543463 -0.441798
UB10 9DQ 13 0 51.541491 -0.43751
UB10 9DU 10 0 51.544505 -0.439008
UB10 9DW 38 0 51.544011 -0.443077
UB10 9DX 48 0 51.545545 -0.438035
UB10 9DY 39 0 51.546409 -0.436808
UB10 9DZ 34 0 51.546064 -0.440613
UB10 9EA 21 0 51.545178 -0.439518
UB10 9EB 26 0 51.54419 -0.438283
UB10 9ED 34 0 51.547885 -0.438892
UB10 9EE 46 0 51.547082 -0.440016
UB10 9EF 35 0 51.548037 -0.437517
UB10 9EG 28 0 51.547399 -0.436183
UB10 9EH 40 0 51.545154 -0.435741
UB10 9EJ 36 0 51.544326 -0.43698
UB10 9EL 44 0 51.546075 -0.438723