all postcodes in UB10 / UXBRIDGE

find any address or company within the UB10 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB10 9LA 13 0 51.548208 -0.459938
UB10 9LB 22 0 51.547729 -0.461093
UB10 9LD 26 0 51.548769 -0.450659
UB10 9LE 28 1 51.548395 -0.453658
UB10 9LF 17 0 51.548463 -0.455957
UB10 9LG 17 0 51.548449 -0.45843
UB10 9LH 32 0 51.549176 -0.450819
UB10 9LJ 13 0 51.54898 -0.457763
UB10 9LL 23 0 51.546842 -0.460027
UB10 9LN 21 0 51.547664 -0.458254
UB10 9LP 20 0 51.5492 -0.453299
UB10 9LQ 17 0 51.548992 -0.460099
UB10 9LR 6 0 51.54756 -0.459888
UB10 9LS 21 6 51.551797 -0.45169
UB10 9LT 1 1 51.55203 -0.449755
UB10 9LU 44 0 51.550625 -0.456351
UB10 9LW 11 0 51.546627 -0.45803
UB10 9LX 3 0 51.548463 -0.459468
UB10 9LY 2 0 51.548115 -0.462329
UB10 9LZ 38 0 51.547577 -0.451594