all postcodes in UB10 / UXBRIDGE

find any address or company within the UB10 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB10 9EN 44 0 51.54709 -0.437924
UB10 9EQ 40 0 51.546326 -0.435268
UB10 9ER 34 0 51.546319 -0.448291
UB10 9ES 36 0 51.545557 -0.44712
UB10 9ET 26 0 51.544987 -0.44613
UB10 9EU 22 0 51.544336 -0.444522
UB10 9EX 27 0 51.543586 -0.443596
UB10 9EY 22 0 51.542883 -0.442755
UB10 9EZ 40 0 51.541633 -0.442076
UB10 9HA 14 0 51.543744 -0.439884
UB10 9HB 13 0 51.543228 -0.440998
UB10 9HD 14 0 51.542501 -0.441744
UB10 9HE 36 0 51.541815 -0.443628
UB10 9HF 55 0 51.54102 -0.443323
UB10 9HG 21 0 51.542485 -0.440605
UB10 9HH 14 0 51.540694 -0.439124
UB10 9HJ 5 0 51.542027 -0.443981
UB10 9HL 33 0 51.541283 -0.450294
UB10 9HN 18 0 51.542075 -0.448954
UB10 9HP 27 13 51.541109 -0.449348