all postcodes in UB10 / UXBRIDGE

find any address or company within the UB10 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB10 9NA 55 6 51.552374 -0.451965
UB10 9NB 16 0 51.551623 -0.454976
UB10 9ND 31 0 51.550307 -0.458179
UB10 9NE 14 0 51.550876 -0.453574
UB10 9NF 17 0 51.548289 -0.464616
UB10 9NG 15 0 51.548256 -0.465633
UB10 9NH 47 3 51.547487 -0.468024
UB10 9NP 18 0 51.547032 -0.462126
UB10 9NQ 25 0 51.547978 -0.467806
UB10 9NR 2 2 51.553718 -0.44874
UB10 9NT 24 0 51.547141 -0.456051
UB10 9NU 9 0 51.548915 -0.455544
UB10 9NW 36 0 51.547558 -0.462512
UB10 9NY 12 0 51.549243 -0.455908
UB10 9NZ 6 0 51.549239 -0.454791
UB10 9PA 15 0 51.542274 -0.449726
UB10 9PB 31 4 51.544536 -0.449476
UB10 9PD 2 1 51.544015 -0.448695
UB10 9PE 21 2 51.547139 -0.448935
UB10 9PF 21 2 51.549468 -0.4484