all postcodes in UB10 / UXBRIDGE

find any address or company within the UB10 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB10 9HQ 40 0 51.541331 -0.440313
UB10 9HR 20 0 51.540737 -0.448331
UB10 9HS 30 0 51.54052 -0.446325
UB10 9HT 62 0 51.540273 -0.443954
UB10 9HU 34 0 51.543582 -0.445327
UB10 9HW 10 0 51.541447 -0.449062
UB10 9HX 28 0 51.542738 -0.446077
UB10 9HY 32 0 51.542059 -0.446431
UB10 9HZ 20 0 51.541316 -0.446644
UB10 9JA 24 0 51.542647 -0.443945
UB10 9JB 29 0 51.542294 -0.445154
UB10 9JD 37 0 51.541286 -0.445059
UB10 9JN 30 1 51.542326 -0.451686
UB10 9JP 25 0 51.546064 -0.450102
UB10 9JR 6 2 51.54793 -0.449751
UB10 9JS 10 0 51.549435 -0.44931
UB10 9JU 18 9 51.551703 -0.449449
UB10 9JW 27 0 51.543919 -0.45042
UB10 9JX 33 2 51.546055 -0.451293
UB10 9JY 31 7 51.550875 -0.449391