all postcodes in UB10 / UXBRIDGE

find any address or company within the UB10 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB10 9PG 37 16 51.551279 -0.448656
UB10 9PP 37 0 51.55151 -0.449802
UB10 9PQ 3 1 51.551679 -0.448311
UB10 9PS 38 0 51.551595 -0.450866
UB10 9PT 37 0 51.551168 -0.451184
UB10 9PU 9 0 51.551328 -0.451741
UB10 9PW 1 1 51.551122 -0.448373
UB10 9PX 11 0 51.551123 -0.452527
UB10 9QE 20 0 51.551248 -0.446998
UB10 9QF 1 1 51.551621 -0.448053
UB10 9QN 17 0 51.547181 -0.467385
UB10 9QP 10 0 51.546339 -0.462135
UB10 9QW 26 0 51.547244 -0.465999
UB10 9AR 10 0 51.547553 -0.447081
UB10 9AS 4 0 51.547551 -0.452403
UB10 9DT 4 0 51.546401 -0.451735
UB10 9JE 1 1 51.540995 -0.44553
UB10 9NS 37 0 51.54746 -0.465314