all postcodes in WS2 / WALSALL

find any address or company within the WS2 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS2 0EU 22 0 52.593151 -2.027089
WS2 0EW 22 0 52.593977 -2.029954
WS2 0EX 44 0 52.591469 -2.02731
WS2 0EY 53 0 52.59209 -2.025893
WS2 0EZ 33 0 52.589707 -2.027294
WS2 0HA 8 0 52.590148 -2.026571
WS2 0HB 27 1 52.589645 -2.025537
WS2 0HD 26 0 52.594266 -2.025658
WS2 0HE 22 0 52.594751 -2.025511
WS2 0HG 7 0 52.586742 -2.021787
WS2 0HH 23 0 52.585717 -2.020221
WS2 0HJ 26 0 52.586095 -2.02031
WS2 0HL 22 0 52.587012 -2.020694
WS2 0HN 28 0 52.586706 -2.018864
WS2 0HW 7 0 52.587587 -2.021005
WS2 0HQ 13 0 52.586203 -2.021329
WS2 0HR 82 0 52.589843 -2.021788
WS2 0HS 9 0 52.589906 -2.023545
WS2 0HT 51 0 52.590418 -2.024121
WS2 0HU 8 0 52.590238 -2.026039