all postcodes in YO / York

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District

YO / York

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO7 1RF 0 54.229529 -1.345186
YO7 1RG 0 54.229137 -1.345944
YO7 1RH 0 54.228788 -1.345253
YO7 1RJ 0 54.227634 -1.348867
YO7 1RL 0 54.227725 -1.347301
YO7 1RN 0 54.226504 -1.349176
YO7 1RP 0 54.227381 -1.35019
YO7 1RQ 0 54.229093 -1.346113
YO7 1RR 0 54.227415 -1.351493
YO7 1RS 0 54.228566 -1.351583
YO7 1RT 0 54.226299 -1.347906
YO7 1RU 0 54.226028 -1.349383
YO7 1RW 0 54.226161 -1.350685
YO7 1RX 2 54.225371 -1.347537
YO7 1RY 0 54.223646 -1.34919
YO7 1RZ 1 54.223939 -1.346992
YO7 1SA 0 54.225247 -1.349503
YO7 1SB 0 54.225389 -1.350789
YO7 1SD 0 54.224977 -1.351102
YO7 1SE 0 54.224504 -1.351769