all postcodes in YO / York

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District

YO / York

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO7 1SF 0 54.224238 -1.352295
YO7 1SG 0 54.22469 -1.349588
YO7 1SH 0 54.229115 -1.345177
YO7 1SJ 0 54.235029 -1.327241
YO7 1SL 1 54.236542 -1.335946
YO7 1SP 0 54.235842 -1.332085
YO7 1SQ 0 54.22814 -1.346052
YO7 1SR 0 54.235793 -1.331211
YO7 1SS 0 54.232594 -1.333816
YO7 1ST 0 54.221676 -1.338111
YO7 1SU 0 54.222293 -1.338491
YO7 1SX 0 54.236371 -1.341635
YO7 1SY 0 54.233216 -1.343946
YO7 1SZ 1 54.233464 -1.34336
YO7 1TA 0 54.233034 -1.345161
YO7 1TB 0 54.236229 -1.346884
YO7 1TF 5 54.23285 -1.342725
YO7 1TG 0 54.233064 -1.345774
YO7 1UA 0 54.235516 -1.32912
YO7 1UB 0 54.235552 -1.337251