all postcodes in YO / York

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District

YO / York

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO1 7JR 7 0 53.960976 -1.07911
YO1 7JW 3 0 53.962902 -1.079403
YO1 7LA 14 8 53.959586 -1.080719
YO1 7LD 4 4 53.959908 -1.080414
YO1 7LF 32 23 53.961208 -1.08008
YO1 7LG 12 8 53.962173 -1.079327
YO1 7LH 8 0 53.962944 -1.079021
YO1 7LJ 11 3 53.962509 -1.078512
YO1 7LP 15 0 53.961717 -1.078453
YO1 7LQ 10 7 53.962681 -1.078783
YO1 7LS 40 20 53.961223 -1.079607
YO1 7LW 10 7 53.962072 -1.078994
YO1 7LX 24 13 53.959322 -1.080183
YO1 7LY 2 2 53.959511 -1.080279
YO1 7LZ 24 20 53.959446 -1.07996
YO1 7NJ 1 1 53.96043 -1.092336
YO1 7NT 2 2 53.95927 -1.07809
YO1 7PJ 35 1 53.960474 -1.076896
YO1 7PP 1 1 53.961159 -1.074869
YO1 7PR 4 4 53.960096 -1.075624