all postcodes in YO / York

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District

YO / York

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO1 7PW 5 4 53.960616 -1.075484
YO1 7PX 1 1 53.960414 -1.075007
YO1 7QB 8 0 53.962132 -1.078581
YO1 8AA 8 7 53.960253 -1.085664
YO1 8AB 1 1 53.960453 -1.082368
YO1 8AD 7 5 53.960373 -1.082568
YO1 8AJ 13 7 53.960601 -1.081816
YO1 8AN 9 5 53.960634 -1.083714
YO1 8AQ 21 10 53.960367 -1.08522
YO1 8AR 3 1 53.960941 -1.082738
YO1 8AS 28 22 53.960965 -1.083515
YO1 8AU 1 1 53.960163 -1.08556
YO1 8AW 27 21 53.961121 -1.082765
YO1 8AX 10 6 53.960484 -1.082946
YO1 8AZ 20 16 53.960312 -1.081548
YO1 8BA 4 4 53.959853 -1.081497
YO1 8BB 8 3 53.959838 -1.080781
YO1 8BE 12 8 53.960072 -1.080761
YO1 8BG 7 6 53.960199 -1.080971
YO1 8BH 6 5 53.960355 -1.080206