all postcodes in CM16 / EPPING

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM16 6AA 35 32 51.714876 0.155013
CM16 6AB 2 0 51.7103 0.162279
CM16 6AD 4 1 51.707474 0.162147
CM16 6AL 17 7 51.724691 0.167196
CM16 6AP 6 3 51.726658 0.173993
CM16 6AR 5 3 51.731707 0.162533
CM16 6AS 9 0 51.732186 0.18525
CM16 6AT 6 0 51.737535 0.186959
CM16 6AU 19 0 51.740647 0.188862
CM16 6AX 10 1 51.738138 0.184379
CM16 6BA 4 0 51.719156 0.177674
CM16 6BD 4 0 51.721684 0.127583
CM16 6BH 7 0 51.712538 0.15227
CM16 6BJ 11 1 51.712643 0.156166
CM16 6BL 41 1 51.711596 0.157074
CM16 6BN 5 0 51.712527 0.161707
CM16 6BP 26 0 51.71149 0.159906
CM16 6BS 48 0 51.712041 0.161016
CM16 6BT 9 0 51.712855 0.162924
CM16 6BU 22 10 51.714249 0.165351