all postcodes in CM16 / EPPING

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM16 6JR 36 0 51.720966 0.177544
CM16 6JS 8 0 51.720653 0.176267
CM16 6JT 19 0 51.713921 0.162944
CM16 6JU 30 0 51.713458 0.161896
CM16 6JW 52 0 51.721147 0.175555
CM16 6JX 57 0 51.713812 0.161276
CM16 6JY 24 0 51.71431 0.162516
CM16 6JZ 43 0 51.714622 0.161706
CM16 6LA 3 0 51.711398 0.140331
CM16 6LB 18 0 51.711507 0.141784
CM16 6LD 13 0 51.71117 0.142477
CM16 6LE 10 0 51.714149 0.136451
CM16 6LF 12 2 51.718134 0.132411
CM16 6LG 5 0 51.713542 0.138666
CM16 6LH 8 0 51.719338 0.131469
CM16 6LJ 29 22 51.716995 0.134498
CM16 6LL 26 0 51.720623 0.128576
CM16 6LP 8 5 51.720495 0.129436
CM16 6LQ 9 0 51.715468 0.135123
CM16 6LR 15 2 51.721033 0.127263