all postcodes in CM16 / EPPING

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM16 6BW 39 0 51.712207 0.162474
CM16 6BX 13 0 51.711337 0.157959
CM16 6BY 47 6 51.716553 0.167977
CM16 6BZ 25 1 51.71802 0.172017
CM16 6DA 22 0 51.713738 0.165268
CM16 6DB 39 0 51.715146 0.167449
CM16 6DD 45 0 51.716372 0.169216
CM16 6DH 21 0 51.71624 0.170049
CM16 6DJ 12 0 51.715322 0.169093
CM16 6DL 28 0 51.71693 0.171154
CM16 6DN 33 0 51.717774 0.172193
CM16 6DP 40 0 51.717916 0.174212
CM16 6DR 14 0 51.71614 0.167642
CM16 6DW 37 0 51.717186 0.172353
CM16 6DX 4 0 51.712494 0.155655
CM16 6DY 69 0 51.712223 0.165978
CM16 6EA 35 0 51.718537 0.171274
CM16 6EB 6 0 51.719391 0.174689
CM16 6ED 7 1 51.721246 0.178455
CM16 6EE 4 1 51.724296 0.181744