all postcodes in CM16 / EPPING

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM16 6HL 1 0 51.712713 0.143216
CM16 6HN 2 0 51.713364 0.162888
CM16 6HR 15 14 51.714876 0.155013
CM16 6HS 3 0 51.717873 0.168767
CM16 6HT 37 0 51.712955 0.157949
CM16 6HU 37 0 51.712962 0.16002
CM16 6HW 43 4 51.714951 0.165599
CM16 6HX 14 0 51.714462 0.163566
CM16 6HY 32 0 51.71673 0.166367
CM16 6HZ 36 1 51.717173 0.166721
CM16 6JA 43 0 51.715134 0.162222
CM16 6JB 22 0 51.715111 0.164465
CM16 6JD 15 0 51.716273 0.166273
CM16 6JE 53 0 51.718926 0.168209
CM16 6JF 29 0 51.719306 0.169588
CM16 6JG 41 0 51.719308 0.171413
CM16 6JH 26 0 51.721345 0.172639
CM16 6JJ 14 0 51.720905 0.173067
CM16 6JN 27 0 51.721898 0.176286
CM16 6JQ 48 0 51.719748 0.171926