all postcodes in CM16 / EPPING

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM16 6EF 39 0 51.719591 0.176986
CM16 6EG 14 10 51.723029 0.180713
CM16 6EH 27 1 51.720658 0.173794
CM16 6EJ 27 0 51.720972 0.17433
CM16 6EN 25 0 51.72025 0.175888
CM16 6EP 17 0 51.722349 0.179087
CM16 6EQ 12 0 51.723631 0.183667
CM16 6ER 11 0 51.725245 0.181486
CM16 6ES 47 0 51.727524 0.183217
CM16 6ET 31 1 51.725425 0.179076
CM16 6EU 30 0 51.726382 0.179846
CM16 6EW 27 0 51.719912 0.175727
CM16 6EX 6 0 51.726335 0.178497
CM16 6EY 5 1 51.722298 0.173091
CM16 6GA 4 0 51.725502 0.07853
CM16 6GP 1 1 51.725662 0.183258
CM16 6HA 12 0 51.727493 0.179595
CM16 6HB 18 0 51.725775 0.181033
CM16 6GQ 5 1 51.713152 0.187201
CM16 6HD 21 0 51.72714 0.181459