all postcodes in CM16 / EPPING

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM16 6LS 7 1 51.72147 0.12828
CM16 6LT 2 0 51.72379 0.12975
CM16 6LU 5 2 51.723415 0.126634
CM16 6LX 5 3 51.72543 0.128744
CM16 6LY 20 13 51.728386 0.12645
CM16 6LZ 16 2 51.730463 0.123955
CM16 6NA 2 0 51.731569 0.123266
CM16 6NB 32 0 51.721539 0.131572
CM16 6ND 7 0 51.72441 0.150992
CM16 6NE 14 8 51.721409 0.132797
CM16 6NF 29 0 51.720076 0.131952
CM16 6NG 30 0 51.722546 0.131113
CM16 6NH 61 0 51.720334 0.130575
CM16 6NJ 28 1 51.725414 0.123183
CM16 6NL 19 1 51.725643 0.122962
CM16 6NN 8 0 51.724347 0.116544
CM16 6NQ 1 0 51.727164 0.117745
CM16 6NR 7 7 51.721115 0.130163
CM16 6NX 5 4 51.725224 0.124069
CM16 6NY 3 0 51.723108 0.135816