all postcodes in CM16 / EPPING

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM16 6TB 1 0 51.708976 0.12166
CM16 6TD 21 0 51.706381 0.118977
CM16 6TH 12 4 51.710579 0.125542
CM16 6TJ 30 0 51.704884 0.121466
CM16 6TL 11 2 51.706179 0.123958
CM16 6TN 1 1 51.704295 0.12393
CM16 6TP 9 0 51.706695 0.125997
CM16 6TS 2 0 51.706035 0.129466
CM16 6TT 1 1 51.706462 0.130429
CM16 6TU 4 0 51.702767 0.124394
CM16 6TW 18 0 51.706288 0.126629
CM16 6TY 1 1 51.703015 0.125593
CM16 6TZ 7 0 51.720723 0.126003
CM16 6UA 4 0 51.722046 0.175856
CM16 6SS 0 51.703244 0.120393
CM16 6HF 0 51.717622 0.167741
CM16 6FJ 18 13 51.722162 0.150987
CM16 6NS 20 0 51.71981 0.13026
CM16 6FA 56 0 51.704791 0.124851
CM16 6FD 31 0 51.704657 0.125322