all postcodes in E3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E3 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E3 3EG 18 1 51.528092 -0.013573
E3 3EH 41 0 51.527771 -0.015332
E3 3EJ 41 0 51.527528 -0.015876
E3 3EL 41 0 51.527566 -0.016509
E3 3EN 2 0 51.52813 -0.015188
E3 3EP 5 2 51.52739 -0.017166
E3 3EQ 19 0 51.527902 -0.018339
E3 3ER 1 1 51.527342 -0.018681
E3 3ES 6 0 51.527037 -0.019256
E3 3GZ 56 0 51.525992 -0.019186
E3 3EU 54 0 51.525505 -0.017478
E3 3EW 30 12 51.527214 -0.017533
E3 3QA 55 0 51.525992 -0.019186
E3 3EY 48 0 51.525392 -0.018794
E3 3EZ 47 2 51.525392 -0.018794
E3 3HB 37 0 51.527343 -0.017138
E3 3HD 12 0 51.52765 -0.014573
E3 3HE 20 0 51.527268 -0.015902
E3 3HF 27 0 51.527082 -0.015549
E3 3HG 20 0 51.527438 -0.01797