all postcodes in L / Liverpool

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Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District

L / Liverpool

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L1 1JD 9 8 53.407941 -2.978237
L1 1JE 1 1 53.408903 -2.978184
L1 1JF 1 1 53.4083 -2.977222
L1 1JJ 1 1 53.408635 -2.980163
L1 1JN 12 2 53.405885 -2.978957
L1 1JP 6 5 53.405185 -2.979919
L1 1JQ 13 3 53.406424 -2.978894
L1 1JR 8 2 53.405373 -2.9789
L1 1JT 2 2 53.404361 -2.979554
L1 1JW 13 11 53.405006 -2.980892
L1 1LD 5 0 53.407132 -2.981438
L1 1LE 2 1 53.406829 -2.984333
L1 1LG 3 0 53.406914 -2.982801
L1 1LH 5 5 53.406778 -2.981941
L1 1LJ 7 1 53.406778 -2.981941
L1 1LL 1 0 53.40631 -2.98202
L1 1LN 6 2 53.406495 -2.981363
L1 1LP 9 5 53.406303 -2.981553
L1 1LR 3 3 53.406176 -2.980708
L1 1LS 10 8 53.406528 -2.98046