all postcodes in MK12 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK12 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK12 5DH 10 1 52.060304 -0.809813
MK12 5DJ 7 0 52.060373 -0.809534
MK12 5DL 17 0 52.058509 -0.808402
MK12 5DN 42 0 52.057855 -0.807763
MK12 5DP 26 0 52.057098 -0.812902
MK12 5DQ 17 9 52.061348 -0.809663
MK12 5DR 38 0 52.056667 -0.812972
MK12 5DS 8 0 52.055862 -0.811579
MK12 5DT 35 0 52.056775 -0.810242
MK12 5DU 9 0 52.057452 -0.807847
MK12 5DW 38 0 52.057081 -0.810307
MK12 5DX 41 0 52.056344 -0.809437
MK12 5DY 17 0 52.055082 -0.812708
MK12 5DZ 6 0 52.054642 -0.812734
MK12 5EA 56 0 52.055888 -0.809668
MK12 5EB 10 0 52.056623 -0.806818
MK12 5ED 30 0 52.055704 -0.80836
MK12 5EE 16 0 52.054872 -0.810599
MK12 5EF 8 0 52.054074 -0.810795
MK12 5EG 20 0 52.054486 -0.811586