all postcodes in NE46 / CORBRIDGE

find any address or company within the NE46 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE46 4RL 0 54.999712 -2.109332
NE46 4RN 0 55.000891 -2.107741
NE46 4RP 2 55.001638 -2.094736
NE46 4RQ 0 54.993842 -2.111614
NE46 4RR 0 54.998611 -2.089782
NE46 4RS 0 54.999239 -2.078497
NE46 4RT 0 54.995648 -2.086337
NE46 4RU 2 54.990375 -2.116614
NE46 4RW 0 54.997821 -2.09232
NE46 4RX 0 54.992817 -2.112423
NE46 4RY 1 54.990878 -2.128094
NE46 4RZ 0 54.989277 -2.111757
NE46 4SA 13 54.990798 -2.118404
NE46 4SH 3 54.988706 -2.14162
NE46 4SJ 0 54.988513 -2.138103
NE46 4SL 0 54.992565 -2.138664
NE46 4SN 0 54.992773 -2.135204
NE46 4SP 0 54.997938 -2.13143
NE46 4SQ 2 54.990889 -2.139933
NE46 4SR 0 54.999095 -2.141469