all postcodes in NE46 / CORBRIDGE

find any address or company within the NE46 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE46 4ED 0 55.014902 -2.132877
NE46 4EE 2 55.016133 -2.132709
NE46 4EF 0 55.017374 -2.129141
NE46 4EG 0 55.018063 -2.117905
NE46 4EH 0 55.022359 -2.11698
NE46 4EJ 0 55.022962 -2.121697
NE46 4EL 0 55.025452 -2.124137
NE46 4EN 1 55.027032 -2.125487
NE46 4EP 0 55.032785 -2.129268
NE46 4EQ 0 55.021491 -2.112566
NE46 4ER 0 55.029601 -2.131823
NE46 4ES 0 55.028516 -2.132672
NE46 4ET 0 55.027535 -2.13439
NE46 4EU 2 55.028889 -2.144484
NE46 4EW 3 55.029563 -2.128483
NE46 4EX 0 55.019107 -2.102715
NE46 4EY 0 55.018964 -2.101182
NE46 4EZ 0 55.011445 -2.112851
NE46 4HA 0 55.016825 -2.111561
NE46 4HB 0 55.019409 -2.095412