all postcodes in NE46 / CORBRIDGE

find any address or company within the NE46 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE46 4JS 1 54.977388 -2.087392
NE46 4JT 0 54.980957 -2.075125
NE46 4JU 0 54.979784 -2.091647
NE46 4JW 4 54.977466 -2.090345
NE46 4JX 0 54.981206 -2.088119
NE46 4JY 0 54.982432 -2.086237
NE46 4LA 0 54.98285 -2.089294
NE46 4LB 0 54.984757 -2.089399
NE46 4LD 0 54.98626 -2.095037
NE46 4LE 0 54.986246 -2.080073
NE46 4LF 0 54.984953 -2.079164
NE46 4LG 0 54.986113 -2.077791
NE46 4LH 0 54.986121 -2.078869
NE46 4LJ 0 54.988325 -2.07628
NE46 4LL 0 54.984992 -2.075226
NE46 4LN 1 54.984165 -2.074412
NE46 4LP 0 54.982561 -2.066425
NE46 4LQ 0 54.986347 -2.077932
NE46 4LR 0 54.980863 -2.046985
NE46 4LS 0 54.983703 -2.045222