all postcodes in NE46 / CORBRIDGE

find any address or company within the NE46 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE46 4HD 0 55.017842 -2.075515
NE46 4HE 0 55.023756 -2.078599
NE46 4HF 0 55.01251 -2.084942
NE46 4HG 0 55.008672 -2.086497
NE46 4HH 0 55.02511 -2.12484
NE46 4HJ 0 55.02997 -2.116767
NE46 4HL 0 55.035551 -2.107098
NE46 4HN 0 55.034849 -2.097349
NE46 4HP 0 55.039049 -2.064688
NE46 4HQ 0 55.003062 -2.089002
NE46 4HR 0 55.045382 -2.050253
NE46 4HS 0 55.039579 -2.046193
NE46 4HT 0 55.04585 -2.050348
NE46 4HU 0 55.05068 -2.069113
NE46 4HW 0 55.036129 -2.078655
NE46 4HX 0 55.062437 -2.052372
NE46 4HY 0 55.016688 -2.131938
NE46 4JA 1 54.977722 -2.088821
NE46 4JN 1 54.977603 -2.090727
NE46 4JR 6 54.97852 -2.086691