all postcodes in NE46 / CORBRIDGE

find any address or company within the NE46 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE46 4PF 0 54.987781 -2.103136
NE46 4PG 0 54.989102 -2.106537
NE46 4PH 0 54.99276 -2.105734
NE46 4PJ 0 54.993422 -2.105995
NE46 4PL 2 54.993965 -2.104487
NE46 4PN 0 54.993541 -2.106471
NE46 4PP 0 54.99292 -2.106985
NE46 4PQ 0 54.990135 -2.106415
NE46 4PS 0 54.993008 -2.106603
NE46 4PT 2 54.99245 -2.110234
NE46 4PU 0 54.99237 -2.109499
NE46 4PW 3 54.993019 -2.107704
NE46 4RF 0 54.991903 -2.108779
NE46 4PX 0 54.992493 -2.110181
NE46 4PY 1 54.992069 -2.111899
NE46 4PZ 0 54.991378 -2.11317
NE46 4QA 1 54.99231 -2.113634
NE46 4QB 0 54.992232 -2.113328
NE46 4QD 0 54.991898 -2.114453
NE46 4QE 0 54.991718 -2.115484