all postcodes in NE46 / CORBRIDGE

find any address or company within the NE46 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE46 4DD 0 55.034757 -2.128547
NE46 4DE 0 55.03145 -2.128552
NE46 4DF 0 55.037413 -2.123564
NE46 4DG 1 55.010203 -2.131924
NE46 4DH 0 55.014688 -2.131375
NE46 4DJ 0 55.016602 -2.131382
NE46 4DL 7 54.979515 -2.091021
NE46 4DN 0 55.032187 -2.128382
NE46 4DP 0 54.9823 -2.112215
NE46 4DQ 18 54.979041 -2.08788
NE46 4DR 0 55.002087 -2.125394
NE46 4DS 0 55.009996 -2.132861
NE46 4DT 0 55.013942 -2.13131
NE46 4DU 0 55.014606 -2.131954
NE46 4DW 0 55.015963 -2.131849
NE46 4DX 0 55.015632 -2.130565
NE46 4DY 0 55.016019 -2.130066
NE46 4DZ 0 55.015694 -2.13191
NE46 4EA 0 55.016269 -2.131959
NE46 4EB 0 55.015513 -2.132864