all postcodes in NE46 / CORBRIDGE

find any address or company within the NE46 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE46 4LT 1 54.988047 -2.058026
NE46 4LU 1 54.991365 -2.047459
NE46 4LW 0 54.984841 -2.071866
NE46 4LX 0 54.995228 -2.033637
NE46 4LY 2 54.992123 -2.066409
NE46 4LZ 1 54.99571 -2.063195
NE46 4NA 0 55.000415 -2.06418
NE46 4NB 0 54.997404 -2.05396
NE46 4NE 0 55.004358 -2.03302
NE46 4NF 0 55.010413 -2.038122
NE46 4NG 0 55.013597 -2.070307
NE46 4NH 0 54.994584 -2.106286
NE46 4NJ 0 54.992765 -2.109969
NE46 4NL 0 55.015567 -2.132395
NE46 4NQ 0 55.02176 -2.064003
NE46 4NT 0 54.977485 -2.093195
NE46 4NU 3 54.977916 -2.092961
NE46 4PB 0 54.981055 -2.100875
NE46 4PD 0 54.984946 -2.101307
NE46 4PE 0 54.986199 -2.10642