all postcodes in NE66 / BELFORD

find any address or company within the NE66 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE66 2UA 8 0 55.466554 -1.822498
NE66 2UD 4 0 55.470703 -1.815076
NE66 2UE 7 0 55.479998 -1.795288
NE66 2UF 3 0 55.486327 -1.781124
NE66 2UL 27 0 55.371405 -1.68764
NE66 2UN 30 0 55.371455 -1.685856
NE66 2UP 30 0 55.370693 -1.683385
NE66 2UR 13 0 55.369837 -1.682335
NE66 2UT 12 0 55.368971 -1.680954
NE66 2UU 10 0 55.36893 -1.67925
NE66 2UW 29 0 55.37108 -1.683524
NE66 2UX 6 0 55.369144 -1.67827
NE66 2UY 28 0 55.369457 -1.677763
NE66 2UZ 4 0 55.369908 -1.677505
NE66 2XA 28 0 55.369129 -1.676172
NE66 2XB 7 0 55.368296 -1.673654
NE66 2XD 4 0 55.368289 -1.674569
NE66 2XE 4 0 55.368418 -1.67583
NE66 2XF 5 0 55.368474 -1.676682
NE66 2XG 3 0 55.368494 -1.677266