all postcodes in NE66 / BELFORD

find any address or company within the NE66 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE66 2YP 1 1 55.371282 -1.69938
NE66 2YQ 4 0 55.372107 -1.690583
NE66 2JN 0 55.47642 -1.74177
NE66 2WX 0 55.372344 -1.68921
NE66 2JH 8 8 55.402445 -1.696001
NE66 2SE 0 55.390208 -1.613914
NE66 2GD 20 55.39769 -1.692043
NE66 2EU 18 15 55.398595 -1.687378
NE66 2EX 1 1 55.399788 -1.686595
NE66 2YL 10 0 55.372089 -1.688139
NE66 2QL 1 55.409188 -1.69756
NE66 2PA 3 55.40572 -1.693496
NE66 2NU 1 55.410498 -1.696065
NE66 2EZ 1 1 55.402339 -1.686085
NE66 2BF 3 3 55.398215 -1.692464
NE66 2XT 3 0 55.371212 -1.696714
NE66 2SH 0 55.387116 -1.612902
NE66 2UH 17 0 55.370734 -1.677388
NE66 2DH 3 55.399621 -1.701595