all postcodes in NE66 / BELFORD

find any address or company within the NE66 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE66 2EW 4 0 55.370394 -1.677896
NE66 2HA 15 11 55.401328 -1.690672
NE66 2HB 4 0 55.399859 -1.682552
NE66 2HD 3 0 55.386647 -1.69909
NE66 2HE 3 0 55.374632 -1.691433
NE66 2HF 44 1 55.373111 -1.69064
NE66 2HG 3 0 55.378035 -1.683548
NE66 2HH 10 0 55.394553 -1.69854
NE66 2HJ 1 0 55.384354 -1.713391
NE66 2HL 5 0 55.373715 -1.721421
NE66 2HN 3 0 55.375466 -1.70525
NE66 2HP 3 0 55.366255 -1.687128
NE66 2HQ 11 0 55.383425 -1.676055
NE66 2HR 4 0 55.367879 -1.669256
NE66 2HS 2 0 55.366194 -1.663069
NE66 2ES 9 8 55.397898 -1.688947
NE66 2EP 3 3 55.399365 -1.68982
NE66 2HT 4 4 55.397326 -1.690057
NE66 2ER 3 3 55.397527 -1.687243
NE66 2HW 2 0 55.365674 -1.698143