all postcodes in NE66 / BELFORD

find any address or company within the NE66 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE66 2NJ 37 0 55.412047 -1.69449
NE66 2NL 2 2 55.410077 -1.6967
NE66 2NN 6 5 55.407493 -1.695283
NE66 2NP 11 11 55.409796 -1.699229
NE66 2NQ 54 0 55.412103 -1.692105
NE66 2NR 1 1 55.410383 -1.697709
NE66 2NS 1 1 55.410939 -1.697215
NE66 2NT 4 0 55.40941 -1.696737
NE66 2NW 38 0 55.409658 -1.691697
NE66 2NX 9 0 55.408914 -1.695841
NE66 2NY 8 0 55.411097 -1.692176
NE66 2NZ 7 3 55.407499 -1.694004
NE66 2PB 11 0 55.406358 -1.694266
NE66 2PD 6 5 55.40574 -1.691459
NE66 2PE 4 0 55.405031 -1.691828
NE66 2PF 19 19 55.404233 -1.688186
NE66 2PG 4 0 55.404763 -1.69175
NE66 2PH 4 3 55.403567 -1.692013
NE66 2PL 2 0 55.404929 -1.693202
NE66 2PN 1 1 55.408306 -1.693287