all postcodes in NE66 / BELFORD

find any address or company within the NE66 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE66 2RB 6 0 55.389493 -1.611979
NE66 2RD 2 0 55.388821 -1.612017
NE66 2RE 10 0 55.388736 -1.613738
NE66 2RF 6 0 55.388538 -1.61363
NE66 2RG 4 0 55.388825 -1.614022
NE66 2RH 11 1 55.388285 -1.613632
NE66 2RJ 21 2 55.388209 -1.612465
NE66 2RL 8 0 55.3883 -1.612085
NE66 2RN 14 0 55.388233 -1.61136
NE66 2RP 4 0 55.387927 -1.611363
NE66 2RQ 8 0 55.388493 -1.614278
NE66 2RR 5 0 55.387875 -1.611979
NE66 2RS 25 3 55.387339 -1.612395
NE66 2RT 3 0 55.386958 -1.611735
NE66 2RU 5 0 55.38719 -1.61126
NE66 2RW 10 0 55.388496 -1.611483
NE66 2RX 4 0 55.386607 -1.611676
NE66 2RY 8 0 55.386402 -1.61212
NE66 2RZ 7 2 55.386776 -1.611169
NE66 2SB 37 0 55.386611 -1.612923