all postcodes in NE66 / BELFORD

find any address or company within the NE66 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE66 2PR 8 1 55.409254 -1.691764
NE66 2PS 12 0 55.407731 -1.689137
NE66 2PT 3 0 55.408021 -1.687509
NE66 2PU 20 0 55.409032 -1.689207
NE66 2PW 1 0 55.410084 -1.692958
NE66 2PX 28 0 55.409313 -1.690326
NE66 2PY 6 0 55.408755 -1.689857
NE66 2PZ 10 0 55.409875 -1.688521
NE66 2QA 24 0 55.409254 -1.687957
NE66 2QB 1 0 55.407785 -1.686421
NE66 2QD 18 0 55.40679 -1.687219
NE66 2QE 48 0 55.406688 -1.685988
NE66 2QF 4 0 55.407999 -1.685788
NE66 2QG 16 0 55.407795 -1.683357
NE66 2QH 3 0 55.407819 -1.682299
NE66 2QP 59 0 55.412662 -1.68921
NE66 2QQ 2 0 55.408067 -1.683576
NE66 2QR 54 0 55.411241 -1.688763
NE66 2QW 13 13 55.404991 -1.693866
NE66 2RA 29 5 55.38911 -1.613198