all postcodes in NE66 / BELFORD

find any address or company within the NE66 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE66 2XH 2 1 55.369419 -1.679781
NE66 2XJ 2 0 55.36894 -1.681868
NE66 2XL 19 0 55.369678 -1.683251
NE66 2XN 18 5 55.371017 -1.686885
NE66 2XP 4 0 55.371426 -1.692247
NE66 2XQ 1 1 55.369595 -1.679055
NE66 2XR 7 1 55.372471 -1.693454
NE66 2XS 3 0 55.371988 -1.694231
NE66 2XU 18 0 55.370457 -1.696262
NE66 2XW 5 0 55.371366 -1.689754
NE66 2XX 25 0 55.370515 -1.697966
NE66 2XY 4 0 55.369621 -1.69887
NE66 2XZ 56 0 55.369848 -1.697308
NE66 2YB 9 0 55.371183 -1.699302
NE66 2YD 7 0 55.371999 -1.698633
NE66 2YE 17 0 55.372649 -1.696419
NE66 2YF 9 0 55.373765 -1.693176
NE66 2YG 8 0 55.373171 -1.693085
NE66 2YH 24 0 55.37167 -1.689342
NE66 2YJ 2 0 55.368615 -1.678084