all postcodes in NE66 / BELFORD

find any address or company within the NE66 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE66 2LG 7 0 55.463974 -1.69817
NE66 2LH 2 0 55.441482 -1.727519
NE66 2LJ 3 0 55.441046 -1.734114
NE66 2LL 2 0 55.437238 -1.742926
NE66 2LN 6 0 55.448705 -1.744133
NE66 2LP 6 0 55.447266 -1.765974
NE66 2LQ 5 0 55.435393 -1.713875
NE66 2LR 1 1 55.461443 -1.774556
NE66 2LS 3 1 55.458684 -1.769812
NE66 2LT 1 0 55.452758 -1.787191
NE66 2LU 1 0 55.457454 -1.760759
NE66 2LW 3 0 55.457706 -1.747411
NE66 2LX 3 0 55.463961 -1.766049
NE66 2LY 5 0 55.471423 -1.741439
NE66 2NA 15 0 55.476061 -1.74182
NE66 2NB 1 1 55.47542 -1.740495
NE66 2ND 3 0 55.478606 -1.738956
NE66 2NF 8 0 55.407877 -1.694254
NE66 2NG 28 0 55.408382 -1.695261
NE66 2NH 26 0 55.411014 -1.694798