all postcodes in PL31 / BODMIN

find any address or company within the PL31 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL31 2HG 0 50.470847 -4.718975
PL31 2FN 0 50.475916 -4.73222
PL31 2FP 0 50.475083 -4.731298
PL31 2FQ 1 0 50.472182 -4.740278
PL31 2FR 1 1 50.470623 -4.73927
PL31 2FS 8 0 50.471606 -4.745232
PL31 2FT 10 0 50.471091 -4.745357
PL31 2FU 2 0 50.470815 -4.745595
PL31 2FW 29 0 50.471185 -4.746321
PL31 2FX 4 0 50.470186 -4.746728
PL31 2FY 5 0 50.470679 -4.746405
PL31 2FZ 2 0 50.47058 -4.746794
PL31 2GQ 9 0 50.470502 -4.747057
PL31 2GR 2 2 50.474903 -4.704321
PL31 2GS 0 50.471391 -4.723796
PL31 2GT 1 1 50.476498 -4.70616