all postcodes in PL31 / BODMIN

find any address or company within the PL31 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL31 2LE 35 0 50.474512 -4.714182
PL31 2LF 6 0 50.47202 -4.729966
PL31 2LG 1 0 50.472358 -4.720528
PL31 2LH 7 1 50.471855 -4.722035
PL31 2LJ 2 1 50.472373 -4.720625
PL31 2LL 2 1 50.47207 -4.720159
PL31 2LP 2 1 50.472576 -4.723892
PL31 2LR 10 0 50.471543 -4.718057
PL31 2LS 1 0 50.471779 -4.726809
PL31 2LT 16 0 50.472593 -4.724319
PL31 2LU 38 1 50.472289 -4.725415
PL31 2LW 15 2 50.471844 -4.718271
PL31 2LX 17 0 50.471936 -4.724732
PL31 2LY 12 0 50.472747 -4.725427
PL31 2LZ 9 0 50.472538 -4.726275
PL31 2NA 10 0 50.47214 -4.726773
PL31 2NB 40 1 50.472293 -4.729079
PL31 2ND 19 0 50.472474 -4.730556
PL31 2NE 39 0 50.472847 -4.728844
PL31 2NF 4 0 50.473301 -4.727502