all postcodes in PL31 / BODMIN

find any address or company within the PL31 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL31 2JA 37 14 50.471318 -4.720778
PL31 2JB 40 15 50.471535 -4.722651
PL31 2JE 1 1 50.471737 -4.719393
PL31 2JF 6 0 50.471453 -4.7061
PL31 2JG 10 0 50.471102 -4.705755
PL31 2JH 6 2 50.471383 -4.719936
PL31 2JJ 1 1 50.471929 -4.720038
PL31 2JL 9 7 50.471646 -4.720189
PL31 2JQ 8 1 50.471699 -4.720645
PL31 2JR 14 2 50.47169 -4.724478
PL31 2JS 13 2 50.471372 -4.724598
PL31 2JT 11 0 50.467173 -4.706828
PL31 2JU 23 1 50.471671 -4.725689
PL31 2JW 34 2 50.471747 -4.720901
PL31 2JX 7 7 50.471389 -4.724292
PL31 2JY 16 1 50.471354 -4.72615
PL31 2JZ 1 1 50.471533 -4.722355
PL31 2LA 6 0 50.472172 -4.726169
PL31 2LB 1 1 50.472848 -4.72264
PL31 2LD 8 0 50.471526 -4.717647