all postcodes in PL31 / BODMIN

find any address or company within the PL31 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL31 2NG 32 0 50.473246 -4.729487
PL31 2NH 14 0 50.472968 -4.72675
PL31 2NJ 4 0 50.47307 -4.727405
PL31 2NL 1 0 50.473809 -4.727729
PL31 2NN 6 0 50.474912 -4.726707
PL31 2NP 7 0 50.473454 -4.724058
PL31 2NQ 17 0 50.473813 -4.728293
PL31 2NR 13 5 50.474137 -4.726747
PL31 2NS 29 2 50.473491 -4.723607
PL31 2RY 4 0 50.473647 -4.723872
PL31 2NT 8 1 50.480753 -4.715428
PL31 2NU 32 0 50.472773 -4.722017
PL31 2NW 6 0 50.473878 -4.725929
PL31 2NX 4 0 50.474235 -4.726034
PL31 2NZ 24 0 50.470706 -4.707297
PL31 2PA 11 0 50.478731 -4.728788
PL31 2PB 1 0 50.480049 -4.731655
PL31 2PD 1 0 50.480059 -4.732769
PL31 2PE 12 0 50.476344 -4.73123
PL31 2PF 7 1 50.479658 -4.737567