all postcodes in PL31 / BODMIN

find any address or company within the PL31 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL31 2QP 16 0 50.474131 -4.711623
PL31 2QR 8 0 50.47416 -4.723464
PL31 2QS 14 0 50.473597 -4.721416
PL31 2QT 1 1 50.467528 -4.741191
PL31 2QU 5 0 50.46731 -4.743957
PL31 2QW 11 0 50.474084 -4.723249
PL31 2QX 4 0 50.470125 -4.750462
PL31 2QY 3 0 50.468174 -4.747375
PL31 2QZ 33 0 50.469533 -4.736291
PL31 2RA 25 0 50.473938 -4.75202
PL31 2RB 1 0 50.473513 -4.75211
PL31 2RD 28 4 50.476957 -4.752155
PL31 2RE 4 0 50.474394 -4.7123
PL31 2RF 56 0 50.475463 -4.733871
PL31 2RH 2 2 50.472792 -4.69993
PL31 2RJ 9 9 50.477284 -4.700597
PL31 2RN 1 1 50.47364 -4.705689
PL31 2RP 12 0 50.470323 -4.737493
PL31 2RQ 23 22 50.47824 -4.703933
PL31 2RS 21 0 50.47537 -4.732499