all postcodes in SY12 / ELLESMERE

find any address or company within the SY12 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY12 0DG 38 5 52.906408 -2.896121
SY12 0DH 26 0 52.905939 -2.897838
SY12 0DJ 10 0 52.905529 -2.899851
SY12 0DL 10 0 52.905254 -2.90044
SY12 0DN 8 0 52.90508 -2.899723
SY12 0DP 14 0 52.904828 -2.898528
SY12 0DQ 1 1 52.910048 -2.890592
SY12 0DR 11 0 52.905046 -2.898265
SY12 0DS 8 0 52.904447 -2.897807
SY12 0DT 16 0 52.903972 -2.898823
SY12 0DU 12 0 52.903767 -2.899844
SY12 0DW 16 0 52.904646 -2.898881
SY12 0DX 20 0 52.904486 -2.899785
SY12 0DY 18 0 52.905046 -2.900718
SY12 0DZ 4 0 52.905462 -2.90153
SY12 0EA 1 1 52.903995 -2.901678
SY12 0EB 8 0 52.905902 -2.901554
SY12 0ED 21 0 52.906018 -2.900113
SY12 0EE 9 0 52.906653 -2.898178
SY12 0EF 2 0 52.906651 -2.897271